A warm virtual welcome to Hotel Notting Hill- your home address in Amsterdam! My name is Monsieur Notting Hill- founder and permanent resident of this beautiful Hotel. It is my pleasure to be your personal guide from start to finish during your visit in Amsterdam.
On this Homepage, I have gathered all the information, pictures and 3D video tours to give you the best, most detailed and honest first impression of my personal pride and joy- Hotel Notting Hill. So sit back, relax, and let me guide you on your virtual journey through our hotel with the 3D video tours created especially for you.
My team of Ambassadors are at your disposal 24/7 during your stay with us, and will provide you with outstanding service levels to exceed your expectations and make your stay in Amsterdam a memorable one. We look forward to welcoming you and your guests whenever your travels bring you to Amsterdam. Feel free to contact us at any time for questions or assistance on your future booking.
Warmest regards ,
Monsieur Notting Hill